Brian Stechly
2013-11-01 18:21:32 UTC
I have been working on this simple code for days and am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. I cannot get the sObject and it's children to parse correctly in the following:
public static Document XML_SOAP_Data(InputStream xml_in) {
try {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document response =;
/* response we are expecting
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<notifications xmlns="">
<SessionId xsi:nil="true"/>
<sObject xsi:type="sf:CampaignMember" xmlns:sf="">
<sf:SOAP_First_Name__c>Lisa Test-C</sf:SOAP_First_Name__c>
<sf:SOAP_Street__c>3133 'O' Street NW</sf:SOAP_Street__c>
<sf:School_Name__c>[not provided]</sf:School_Name__c>
<sf:Status>Not Sent</sf:Status>
Element responseEnvelope = response.getRootElement();
Element responseBody = responseEnvelope.getFirstChildElement("Body","");
Element fault = responseBody.getFirstChildElement("Fault", "");
if (fault == null) { // no fault
Element resNotifications = responseBody.getFirstChildElement("notifications", "");
Elements resOrganizationId = resNotifications.getChildElements("OrganizationId", "");
Elements resActionId = resNotifications.getChildElements("ActionId", "");
Elements resSessionId = resNotifications.getChildElements("SessionId", "");
Elements resEnterpriseUrl = resNotifications.getChildElements("EnterpriseUrl", "");
Elements resPartnerUrl = resNotifications.getChildElements("PartnerUrl", "");
Elements resNotification = resNotifications.getChildElements("Notification", "");
Element aNotification = null;
for (int i = 0; i < resNotification.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("\n NEW Notification \n");
aNotification = resNotification.get(i); System.out.println("\n 1 \n");
Element resId = aNotification.getFirstChildElement("Id", ""); //this works
// ! This is where I am having the issue ! //
// <sObject xsi:type="sf:CampaignMember" xmlns:sf="">
// <sf:Id>00vi00000071B8rAAE</sf:Id>
Element resSObject = aNotification.getFirstChildElement("sObject", "");
//Have tried with and without the line below
resSObject.addNamespaceDeclaration("sf", "");
Element resSfId = resSObject.getFirstChildElement("sf:Id", "");
// ! Trying to get the sObject and child above to parse ! //
I have been working on this simple code for days and am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction. I cannot get the sObject and it's children to parse correctly in the following:
public static Document XML_SOAP_Data(InputStream xml_in) {
try {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document response =;
/* response we are expecting
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<notifications xmlns="">
<SessionId xsi:nil="true"/>
<sObject xsi:type="sf:CampaignMember" xmlns:sf="">
<sf:SOAP_First_Name__c>Lisa Test-C</sf:SOAP_First_Name__c>
<sf:SOAP_Street__c>3133 'O' Street NW</sf:SOAP_Street__c>
<sf:School_Name__c>[not provided]</sf:School_Name__c>
<sf:Status>Not Sent</sf:Status>
Element responseEnvelope = response.getRootElement();
Element responseBody = responseEnvelope.getFirstChildElement("Body","");
Element fault = responseBody.getFirstChildElement("Fault", "");
if (fault == null) { // no fault
Element resNotifications = responseBody.getFirstChildElement("notifications", "");
Elements resOrganizationId = resNotifications.getChildElements("OrganizationId", "");
Elements resActionId = resNotifications.getChildElements("ActionId", "");
Elements resSessionId = resNotifications.getChildElements("SessionId", "");
Elements resEnterpriseUrl = resNotifications.getChildElements("EnterpriseUrl", "");
Elements resPartnerUrl = resNotifications.getChildElements("PartnerUrl", "");
Elements resNotification = resNotifications.getChildElements("Notification", "");
Element aNotification = null;
for (int i = 0; i < resNotification.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("\n NEW Notification \n");
aNotification = resNotification.get(i); System.out.println("\n 1 \n");
Element resId = aNotification.getFirstChildElement("Id", ""); //this works
// ! This is where I am having the issue ! //
// <sObject xsi:type="sf:CampaignMember" xmlns:sf="">
// <sf:Id>00vi00000071B8rAAE</sf:Id>
Element resSObject = aNotification.getFirstChildElement("sObject", "");
//Have tried with and without the line below
resSObject.addNamespaceDeclaration("sf", "");
Element resSfId = resSObject.getFirstChildElement("sf:Id", "");
// ! Trying to get the sObject and child above to parse ! //