David Collier-Brown
2011-01-09 16:44:35 UTC
I'm starting a mini-project to get some input documents into a good,
editable xml.
One of the things I desire to do is write entities in their symbolic
form, so that a
non-breaking space will be written as and e-acute as é
This is in principle doable by sending the output not through a
serializer, but instead
a through an xslt processor that uses a list of character-maps which in
turn enumerate
the entire list of entities from my DTD.
However, thus looks a lot like "going via Snarey's Corners", a term
from my
childhood symbolizing going insanely far out of one's way to do something.
Is there a simple, straightforward and perhaps even elegant way
to produce output containing symbolic entities?
editable xml.
One of the things I desire to do is write entities in their symbolic
form, so that a
non-breaking space will be written as and e-acute as é
This is in principle doable by sending the output not through a
serializer, but instead
a through an xslt processor that uses a list of character-maps which in
turn enumerate
the entire list of entities from my DTD.
However, thus looks a lot like "going via Snarey's Corners", a term
from my
childhood symbolizing going insanely far out of one's way to do something.
Is there a simple, straightforward and perhaps even elegant way
to produce output containing symbolic entities?
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at spamcop.net | -- Mark Twain
(416) 223-8968
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
davecb at spamcop.net | -- Mark Twain
(416) 223-8968